Istituto di Moda Burgo Qatar – Bushra Al Hajjar

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The Abaya is a famous traditional women’s dress that is still one of the most preferred and used in a wide spread of several societies and cultures in the world, it has sustained its elegant uniqueness over long periods of time! and as a very talented fashion designer from Syria who’s gained her diploma degree in fashion design from an Italian Fashion Design Institution in Qatar named Istituto Di Moda Burgo, Mrs Bushra Hajjar loves to express her pride to have had her inspiration by such beautiful traditions, and to have based upon them her modrnised designs for this collection to produce stunning evening wears to show case of heritage reproduction in an advanced modernity.
The Abaya with its ornate, colorful and loosely floating fabrics as well as its brightened presence in many occasions, such as parties and weddings has attracted Mrs Hajjar to extract the secret of touches that emerge the spirit of Abaya in her designs of modern evening dresses named “The Abaya Spirit” in which the combination between modernity and authenticity is set.
Each of  the ten gorgeous pieces of women’s evening wear of this collection, expresses a one of kind show case of a combination of fashionable modernity together with authentic simplicity in the Abaya spirit, for which is clearly visible in the explicit natural colours as well as in the colourfully printed fabrics that are harmonious to one another in a unique artistic manner.